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May be you are looking for the best termite pest control solution in Bangladesh, then Pestokil can get under termite.

Termite is a normal insect but its damage is so high it damages $5 billion only the USA but our countries termites insect damage is so high. it damages wooden structure, clothes, papers, and other cellulose-based structures. you cannot get free from this pest until you kill the queen. We kill and cure termite queen and colony by termite bait.

1st time in Bangladesh Pestokil launched Termisol termite control bait which is a hassle-free termite control service. We control your termite infestation without drill and spray. We install your property our Termisol. If you want to control termite pest  we give you Termisol. We have also a termite control  expert team who are experts to find out termite area and colony. ”

Termisol is a termite bait that is formulated by organic which is fond of termite. Termite is quite similar to bees. Termite has a colony and makes by termite Queen, Soldier, Worker, and King. Workers all time collect the food for a queen, king, and soldier. Soldier protect their colony from enemies. King met the queen and the queen lays eggs. A termite pest queen can 30000-40000 eggs per day. Termite queen size 3-4 inches. Termite queen eats cellulose and fungus. Termisol  termite bait prepare by cellulose and fungus.

How it works? Termisol is a termite control box that can help you to termite control. When Termisol install your house or your commercial, industrial and all organization all termite worker come to the Termisol for collect the food for their colony. And carry the poison and mixed the food with poison. When they eat they die. Termite queen never takes the food directly example termite worker carries the food and processing and make food for queen. When the termite queen’s food touches the poison then the termite queen dies and result in the colony has no production and the colony will be empty within 1 year and you will be getting free from the termite. So we offer you an install Termisol termite control solution.

Why you take spray and drill your property? If you get drill free termite pest solution its good for you because not will be damage your property. We give you a spray and drill-free termite pest control solution.

If you take chemical spray service it’s good but you cannot control properly termite pest and do not get rid of it 100% because termite lives in their tunnel and inside of the wall and under the soil and depth area. So if you give chemical the termite body some termite will kill but we remember you that termite queen lays 30000-40000 legs. So until you kill the termite queen you cannot control termite. We offer you a termite queen killing offer from Pestokil Bangladesh.

Pestokil Products are available for purchase from Daraz.com.bd


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